Help Grow the climate action community

There are a lot of people working in groups around Te Tai Tokerau to make the world a better place. At Climate Action Tai Tokerau our focus naturally is on climate change, but in reality, climate change is just one facet of a crisis that is much bigger. Some call it the poly-crisis. Others call it a meta-crisis considering that it’s just one crisis with many faces. 

We struggle to make an impact because orthodoxy has a money making machine that resources the perpetuation of its systems. 

We want to build a community of organisations that work loosely together to strengthen our collective voice. We don’t want to name and define it yet, until we have a wider consensus. But for now we are thinking of it as a regeneration collective. 

(from Designing Regenerative Cultures, Daniel Wahl)

We are proposing that organisations that have a regenerative kaupapa form this loose association for mutual support. This could include promoting a calendar of events, having online and occasional in-person forums, and writing joint submissions.

As a community, we can develop our protocols. We will do this when we have a core group of 15 organisations who want to collaborate. We might develop a simple agreement, perhaps a mana-enhancing agreement to guide our collaboration and/or a set of community standards.

An important ground rule for us is the need to be inclusive and not to judge others on their perceived adherence to any aspirational standard. We can leave other protocols to the group consensus – questions such as “Can local branches of political parties be included?”

Here are a bunch of logos of organisations that Climate Action Tai Tokerau has been working with on our way to the first 15. They are here to illustrate the concept. Please let us know if your organisation would like to be part of co-creating this network. The next step is to reach out to a wider group of organisations with a regenerative (in the broadest sense) kaupapa. Please also make suggestions for who else should be invited.

Climate Action Tai
Whakaora Kaiecosolutions
Tai Tokerau TimebankPā to PlateAmber’s Kitchen
RerengātahiNICWithIN Nature
Ocean Spirit TrustCreative Northland

Please leave a comment if your organisation in Te Tai Tokerau would like to join our collaboration.

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