Help Grow the climate action community

There are a lot of people working in groups around Te Tai Tokerau to make the world a better place. At Climate Action Tai Tokerau our focus naturally is on climate change, but in reality, climate change is just one facet of a crisis that is much bigger. Some call it the poly-crisis. Others call … Continue reading Help Grow the climate action community

2025 Climate Action Tai Tokerau Conference

Climate Action Tai Tokerau has pencilled in Friday 21 and Saturday 22 March for the 2025 Climate Action Conference. The main theme (tentatively) is climate and economy. We want to articulate that healing the climate and building prosperity are synergystic. So we will be exploring what that economy looks like, and identifying where the green … Continue reading 2025 Climate Action Tai Tokerau Conference

community Building

The two previous posts have focused on the human response to the climate crisis, including the work on high conflict by Amanda Ripley. What emerges for me is the absolute importance of understanding how we are complicit in the crises that are afflicting us. Daniel Hoyer and his colleagues from the Crisis Database Programme have … Continue reading community Building

Global risks and the meta-crisis

The World Economic Forum's assessment of Global Risk is based on a survey of 1,490 leaders. The risks are grouped into five categories, but to me they all look to be created by humans - including the top risk, extreme weather. Note that these risks focus on material crises so tend to have an economic … Continue reading Global risks and the meta-crisis